$100K Full-Time Funded Trader Withdrew $5,102 - the5ers funding
We spoke with Rajeev about his trading plan, insights, and lessons gained while trading in the markets and our platform as a funded trader.
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Rajeev‘s $100K High-stakes Step One
Rajeev‘s $100K High-stakes Step Two
Tell us a little bit about you.
I am a Chartered Accountant, and CFA Level 2 passed (CFA Institute, USA). I am working as CFO in Angola in a manufacturing company.
How long have you been trading?
I have been trading for 15 years and I am a scalper.
Briefly describe your Trading Plan and how it contributes to your success.
I trade ICT concepts and most of my trades are intraday except when the trade does not materialize intraday and I have the conviction that it has still potential to mature in the next 1 day and then I hold on to the next day.
Please share with us a challenge you faced in your trading career and how you overcame it.
I started trading in the Indian stock market in Nov 2008 and traded till mid-2017 or so. But those training days were purely based on TV channel recommendations. I did not have knowledge of Technical Analysis. I started learning Technical Analysis on YouTube on Sep 21, 2016. But my real learning to make some profit comes with learning from ICT (Smart money concepts) material. I have failed more than 75 Challenges. In late 2017, I started with FTMO and got funded 4 to 5 times but blew up every time. Since now, I have started focusing just 4 to 5% per month, risk management automatically comes into place, and since then, trading has become less stressful for me.
How did you adjust risk management to your trading personality?
Since then, I have started focusing on just 4 to 5% per month, risk management automatically comes into place, and trading has become less stressful for me.
Describe a key moment in your trading career
I am not able to specifically tell you the key moment in my trading career as of now. But yes, in Apr 2022, I withdrew USD 13,000 profit from myforexfund funded account of USD 100K in 2 withdrawals. That was an extremely joyful moment for me. But again, I blew up that account as well. My key moment in trading would be when I quit my job and started full-time trading forex.
How long does it take to become a consistent trader, and what aspects did you change that helped you become consistent?
7 years. When I have set realistic expectations like 4 to 5% profit per month, I have started to see consistency in my trading.
What is your mental/psychological strength, and how did you develop it?
My mental/psychological strength comes from the fact that I know that even a strong setup can fail, and I am prepared for that.
What was your strategy to successfully pass The5ers’ evaluation?
It was purely ICT concepts and risk management (max risk 2% and that too in very high probability trade) but usually risking 0.3% to 0.5% per trade.
How is trading for The5ers different from trading by yourself?
It’s different because of the large trading capital. So, making just 4% per month is enough for me on USD 100K capital, and of course, the motivation to reach a USD 10,000 salary in the High Stake Program.
What would you recommend to someone who is just starting with us?
I am already recommending everyone to go with 5ers, and I would advise keeping realistic expectations from the funded accounts, like 3 to 5% per month, to keep the account for the long term and scale slowly.
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